Saturday, September 22, 2007

Naughty Batman (HOL 66)

House of Laughter 66

Since we returned to Greensboro and the school year started, Isaac has moved up to the two year old room at his daycare. Every morning when I drop him off, I try and sit for a few minutes and play with him. We play in the corner with the puppet collection. I make the alligator puppet snap at Isaac or drink from his juice cup. The other kids thought this was hysterical and have started offering their sippy cups to the alligator puppet now as well.

Last week, when the other kids in Isaac’s class saw us walk in, one little girl immediately ran over and grabbed the alligator puppet and brought it to me.

Through out my life, I’ve had different nicknames people have called me. I’ve been called, “Big Matt”, “Cravey Train”, “That Big Guy with Puerto Rican Skin”, “Spam”, “Defendant”, “Spatula Guy”, “Uncle Matt”, “Daddy”. (Yes there is another unfortunate camp nickname which has been deliberately left off of the list.) The newest identity I have is “Isaac’s Daddy”. That’s what the other kid’s in Isaac’s class call me.

It’s the first time that who I am is defined by who he is instead of Isaac being known as my son. I’m not jealous, I’m excited. I realize that this is just the start of him creating his own place in the world, and I’m sure I will be surprised at how fast he does it, and the impact he makes on his world.

On our last doctor visit, the pediatrician told us that there is no such thing as “Terrible Twos”. “Two year olds are just exploring the boundaries of what they can get away with.”, the doctor explained. He gave us a checklist if things Isaac should be able to do. We had noticed most of the behaviors, but there was one I had never seen. “Child ‘plays mommy or daddy’ with dolls”.

Isaac mostly plays with cars, puzzles, and construction toys. I think if he were to tuck his motorcycle in at night I would worry. The closest we had ever seen to a nurturing behavior was when he pushes a shopping cart full of Matchbox cars around the house.

Last week, our minister’s wife Ann gave Isaac a couple of cars and toys that hers sons had played with (which had been handed down from our friend Andrew). The action figures were in the back seat of my truck when I picked Isaac up from Nancy’s school Thursday (I may have been playing with the Wampa, Boba Fett, and Lando…I don’t remember). As I’m driving home, Isaac is sternly talking to one of the toys, and puts him in a crevice in the arm rest. I asked Isaac, “What’s going on?”.

“Batman is in time out”


“Batman bit me”

Thankfully, Batman got out of time out before we got home. I had to change Isaac quickly since we were going back out to dinner. While I was getting the changing table ready, Isaac said “Batman needs a new diaper”.

I put Batman on the table, cleaned him up with a wipe, and pretended to put a clean diaper on him. This satisfied Isaac. Later that evening, Isaac was feeding Batman Bowtie pasta from his dinner plate.

I guess we can check the “nurturing behavior” box next time we go to the doctors.

Strength and Honor,

Isaac’s Daddy


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Ben McFarland said...

I think someone should've given the George Clooney Batman a "time out" before that Joel Schumacher film ever made it to the theatres ...

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what size diaper did you use on batman? I wonder if Robin is in need of the same delicate care? It's a good thing Isaac doesn't own a GI Joe. They are prone to diaper rash.


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