Saturday, March 22, 2008

Two Can Be as Bad as One (HOL 78)

House of Laughter 78

Nancy has a new pat answer for whenever she is asked “How’s Isaac?”

“He’s Two”.

For those unfamiliar with two year olds, this means that within a five minute span, a child could ask for a cheese sandwich, upon receiving the cheese sandwich cry because he wants a pancake, when the sandwich is removed from the table, cry because he wants the cheese sandwich, and throughout the ordeal ask for a cookie every 20 seconds. When you explain “If you eat your sandwich, you can have a cookie”, there are equal chances that the child will flop on the floor sobbing uncontrollably and that he will quietly and happily consume the sandwich.

Every waking moment is a crapshoot of emotion.

Friday morning, Isaac and I bummed around the house playing with cars, construction toys, and watching movies. After watching the Pee Wee’s playhouse DVD again, I asked, “What else do you want to watch?” I was expecting him to suggest favorites such as “Spiderman” or “Chewbacca Movie”.

The movie he wanted to see? “I wanna watch Hairspray.” Well, at least we won’t have to change churches.

After Nancy came home, we walked to the theater to see “Horton Hears a Who.” During the previews, Nancy and I got a quick glimpse into what will be the dominant fashion/ decorating trend in our home for late 2008/ 2009. It turns out there is going to be a Speed Racer movie coming out later this year. It is brightly colored, loud, fast paced, features dozens of race cars, and I have never seen Isaac focus on something so intently for the two minutes that the preview lasted.

Horton was a decent kids movie. It was impressive visually, and the humor was really sharp. It also had a great message for kids. Isaac explained to me who the good guys and bad guys were through most of the movie. He wasn’t a big fan of Vlad the Vulture.

This morning, Isaac and I went and visited our friend Ed Smithey who had to work this weekend. Lucky for us, he is a fireman and Isaac and I went to the station to look at the trucks. Isaac and I dressed Blackie Bear up in his fireman outfit and brought him with us. All of the firemen were very nice to Isaac, and Isaac was more than happy to show his bear to all of them.

Happy Easter! I will post some pictures later in our Easter clothes in front of our church’s annual “Flowering Cross” We plan to spend the rest of the day in a sugar coma watching Peter Parker fight and sing with Tracey Turnblad thanks to the Easter Bunny.

Strength and Honor,


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