Monday, January 18, 2010

Time Flies like an Arrow. Fruit Flies Like a Banana (HOL 104)

Time Flies Like an Arrow. Fruit Flies Like a Banana. (HOL 104)

Forgive me reader it has been three months since my last blog. A couple of recent comments from readers prompted me to look back at some of my old blogs. I was a little surprised that I laughed out loud at my own writing.

In the last few months, we have done a lot of travelling, and I have tried to dedicate more of my free time to exercise and practicing the guitar. It is also hard to concentrate on writing when your muse wants to play Batman, watch a movie, or have a lightsaber fight with you.

I found a sheet of paper on my desk with some notes for a blog that never got written back in October.

This morning Isaac asked me to sing, “The Monster Song”. I assumed he meant, “Monster Mash”, but that wasn’t what he was looking for. After a dozen questions, I realized he was referring to the clip from “Young Frankenstein” we had watched on youtube a couple of nights before.

I went to another Chuck E Cheese party for one of Isaac’s classmates. I found another dad to sit and drink beer with. Isaac was much bolder with his buddy, “Sam” around. I normally can’t get him to climb in the tunnels especially if it is busy and wild (which it was that night.) With his partner in crime, he was fearless. This was both encouraging and slightly nerve racking.

Isaac won a bag of cotton candy and on the way home from Chuck E. Cheese enthusiastically reported to me, “Dad, this Cotton Candy is so good…. I can’t feel my mouth.”

I will write more about the holidays and our trip to Disney later this week.

Strength and Honor.

Big Matt


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