Monday, October 01, 2007

Parental Judo (HOL 67

House of Laughter 68

Sunday after church, Isaac and I ran a couple of errands. We got a quick lunch, he got a haircut, and of course we went to see the tigers at the science center. We came home and watched the Panthers lose, and when dinner time came, Isaac was incredibly tired and cranky from a full day without a nap. I fixed him a hot dog, cheese, and an apple, and he cried and pouted. I told him when he finished his dinner, he could have some ice cream. He demanded the ice cream now, pushed his plate away and screamed louder.

I sent him to sit in timeout on our staircase where the screaming and wailing intensified. I ignored him. Instead, I nonchalantly went to the freezer, prepared a small bowl of peach ice cream and sat back at the table where he could see me. Even I was amazed at how quickly the tantrum stopped. After a few minutes of silence, I let him up, and he happily ate almost all of his dinner.

All it took was about three big spoonfuls of ice cream in plain sight and the twenty minute tantrum ended. He not only did what we wanted, but was quite cheerful about it.

Neither Nancy nor I have particularly strong Southern accents. It kills us both to hear Isaac call our dog “Maaaeeeyux”, or ask “What’s Thaaaaeeyut?”. Nancy explains that they are only one syllable words, but he doesn’t seem to care. It has to be the teachers at his daycare center that he is emulating. At least we’ve never heard him say “I’m from Polk County!”

“Cars” (a.k.a. Fast Cars, a.k.a. Tractor Tipping) has been knocked out of the number one spot at the Cravey box office by “Monsters Inc”. (a.k.a. Monsters). He doesn’t know any of the characters names yet, but he likes the scene where the little girl goes to sleep.

This morning I asked Isaac what he wanted to be for Halloween. His response, “Eli”. Since a good number of his clothes are hand me downs from his cousin, this should not be a difficult costume to make.

Finally, I ask you to remember my family in your thoughts and prayers. My grandmother Louise “Granny” Cravey is very ill in the hospital down in Orlando. She has several serious medical problems, and it is not likely she will recover. We are all making our peace with this in our own ways.

Strength and Honor,


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