How I spent my weekend (HoL 20)

I am one hundred percent sure about what the worst thing that happened to me this weekend was. The clear winner was “Having Isaac throw up a half gallon mix of Hummus, puréed tuna, Soy Formula, and Cough Syrup all over me.” I don’t think anything else was close. Was it the wet, sticky sensation on my bare arms? Was it the tuna smell? Hard to say for sure, but I do believe that was the worst part of my weekend hands down.
He’d been feeling cruddy for a couple of days, and his coughing woke him up several times the night before. Nancy cleaned him, the chair, and the nursery floor, while I took a shower. I believe my exact words after being sprayed were, “Congratulations Nancy, you’ve been promoted to single parent for the night.”
By the time I got out of the shower, Nancy had him cleaned up. He had this smug look on his face as if to say, “Yeah I puked on you, but I’m a cute little baby. What are you going to do about it?” It kind of reminded me of W’s ‘What the hell are you going to do? I’m the president’ smirk. It’s cute when the baby does it.
We went to a baby shower for our friends Javier and Celena Velez (Happy Birthday!). They are going to have a little boy named Alex in the next month or so. I had to chuckle remembering how it felt to sit in Javier’s place eight months ago. You never know where life is going to lead you, but Javier and I have talked about Alex and Isaac being friends when they get older. It’s like an “arranged friendship.”
A notebook was passed around to all the guests at the shower to write advice in. Most people wrote a few lines. They said things like “God Bless you”, or “You are going to be wonderful parents.” I took up three pages with a list of all of the practical advice I found useful. Things like “Javier. Do laundry and cook dinner.” I should have added at the end, “Don’t make a big deal about how you did laundry and made dinner.” I also advised to take pictures and video every day, not just special occasions.
Isaac was up for about an hour last night at midnight. He woke up coughing, and couldn’t get back to sleep. I feel bad for my sick little guy, because he is absolutely pathetic when he cries and coughs, but at the same time he is so damn cute when he does it. He has a little high pitch whine in his voice when he strains that reminds me of a girl I used to work with down in Florida. She was a sorority girl who smoked two packs a day, and when she got upset, would develop a little squeak in her voice.
I’m going to try and actually “Blog” this article and send out a notice that my site has been updated and see how it works. I’m slowly warming to the web page idea. What sold me was the link associated with the words “Tall and narrow” in “House of Laughter 18”. Leave a comment at the end of this article to let me know if this website worked, and what you think.
Strength and Honor
Big Matt
hey, i got your email and here i am. i guess it worked.
I've been thinking about this flat spot issue for a while, and I've come up with a home remedy (one that actually doesn't involve duct tape!).
What about the bathroom plunger? Just stick it to the flat spot and 'plunge' some shape back into the boy's head? No more helmet, no more broken teeth (parents), etc.
Just a thought,
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