Sunday, July 09, 2006

Problems with Isaac Cling? (HOL 40)

House of Laughter 40

Since school let out, Nancy has been a stay at home mom. She gets to spend much more time with Isaac, and is enjoying not working. Unfortunately, this has made Isaac somewhat of a “Mama’s” boy in the last few weeks.

This has some drawbacks. If Nancy tries to run to Target by herself, Isaac will cry from the moment she leaves his site until he falls asleep or she returns. I know it is just a phase, and I don’t take it personally. If he is playing on the floor, and I go over to pick him up, he will start crying and frantically search for Nancy.

It’s not all bad news though. When he is crying the loudest, Nancy and I both know that only “Mama” can make it better, so I pass off the screaming baby, and unpause my Halo game.

Nancy bought me a present on Thursday. Rick Rubin produced a new Johnny Cash album titled “100 Highways”. Isaac, Nancy, and I stretched out on our bed and listened to it. I am a huge Johnny Cash fan, and as I listened I thought, “This is probably the last time I will get to hear a new Johnny Cash album.” Although he won’t remember it, I’m glad I got to share it with Isaac.

We had a fun time Friday night. We dressed the boy up in his “Superman” jammies, and loaded up the truck with lawn chairs. We drove out to the “Grove” winery where they had a wine tasting and an old hippie playing folk music out on the patio. We than drove up to Eden to see the Pirates of the Caribbean at the Drive-in.

Isaac is running out of leg room in his rear facing car seat. The law in North Carolina is that a child has to be twenty five pounds and one year old before you they can ride in a forward facing car seat. Nancy and I are thinking about turning it around now, although that would make us outlaws in our own home state for the next three weeks. I’m trying to teach Isaac to say, “Man, I don’t need no cop to tell me what to do.”

Isaac has been standing for a few seconds at a time, but not walking unassisted yet. He is still working on sprouting his third tooth. We haven’t seen it yet, but I’m convinced I’ve felt it.

We had a little incident on Saturday that has been driving me crazy, but gives you a little insight into my baby’s mama. The three of us were out working in the yard. I was mowing, Nancy was trimming, and Isaac was taste testing grass and dirt. While I was mulching some of the limbs Nancy had previously cut, I noticed a swarm of yellow jackets. I had two run-ins with yellow jacket nests last year, and can live the rest of my life without having another. I ran towards Nancy, yelling “Nancy!” She was using electric hedge trimmers, so she couldn’t hear me. I kept running yelling louder and louder “NANCY! NANCY! NANCY!” She finally turned off the power tool, and as I ran toward her yelled “Grab the baby and get inside….NOW!” She just looked at me and said “Why?”

Later on I explained, that next time I am running towards her screaming “Grab the baby and get inside”, she should just assume that there is a valid reason which will be explained at a proper time. It could have been a drive by shooting, tornado, or even a bear. I love Nancy, but I’m not the only crazy one around here. By the way, nobody was stung, and I got to pour gas down the hole and light it on fire which is pretty cool.

Strength and Honor

Big Matt


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