Monday, April 17, 2006

Damn Dirty Ape (HOL 28)

House of Laughter 28

Isaac and Nancy arrived home safely last Thursday. I was surprised at how much Isaac had changed even in a week. When he left, he was just starting to slide backwards on his belly, but now he is rolling over, and pushing himself up. It really is pretty amazing.

In celebration of the Florida Gator’s basketball championship, Isaac successfully put his toy basketball into the hoop three times today with no help from mom or dad. He is the first one in our family with athletic ability!

Isaac has had a little trouble getting adjusted to being back home, but last night was the worst. He was up at 12:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 and was very difficult to get to sleep at any of those times. That’s why this particular “House of Laughter” isn’t to the high standards of quality you’ve come to expect.

We all went to the zoo on Saturday. Evidently most of North Carolina went to the zoo that day as well. It was hot, and the idiots were out in full force. Every time we go to the zoo, I overhear some schmuck in another family say to a friend, “Hey let’s go over to the monkeys and see some of your cousins!!!”. The irony is, that if you asked this same person if they believed in evolution, they would probably spit on you.

Speaking of primates, I have a problem. Do you know how there is always some jerk who always knows more about any subject then everyone else and has to flaunt it? Well I don’t want to be that guy, but dammit if I hear one more parent tell their child that a chimpanzee is a monkey and not an ape, I’m going to fling poop at them. I would never say anything about it, because I’d look like an ass, and the parent wouldn’t particularly care. Teach children accurate information. Don’t let them grow up in a taxanomic den of lies.

I also am doing my best to teach Isaac to sit still and watch the animals. Most people stop briefly, spot the animal or glance around a seemingly empty enclosure and quickly move to the next exhibit in a “Zoo Scavenger Hunt” type fashion. I want Isaac to understand that to enjoy nature, you have to be patient and observant.

Today was Easter, and we had a really great day. Isaac had a basket of candy which he was very kind to share with his mother and I. Church was a time of celebration. The sermon was about why it is still relevant to talk about the crucifixion. Nancy and I were both moved several times during the service. We had a big lunch afterwards with some friends and Isaac and I took a nap this afternoon.

Tomorrow we head back to Winston Salem for a follow up visit about the helmet. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know what Dr. Argenta says.

Strength and Honor

Big Matt


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