Thursday, December 07, 2006

Soon it will be Christmas Day (HOL 53)

House of Laughter 53

I just finished reading Isaac’s bedtime story “Stellaluna”. I am really amazed by how much it seems he has learned in the last few days. His newest word is “Shoe”. Whenever I take off his shoes, I yell “Goodbye Shoes!....Have you ever seen anybody say ‘Goodbye’ to a pair of shoes before?” (This is a really obscure Simpsons reference.)

Nancy and I were both shocked when at the dinner table a couple of days ago, he made the sign for “More”. We thought we had a prodigy on our hands, since only one of our friends has taught their daughter sign language. It turns out they have been teaching him a few signs at daycare. His teacher told me that at lunch time they have a semi-circle of high chairs with hungry children all doing the “More” sign urgently as the food trays are passed out.

Isaac has also started following directions. Tonight I told him to put his clothes in the hamper, and he went and did it. I’m working on teaching him to go fetch my paper in the morning and making a perfect gin and tonic.

Nancy is in the other room preparing for our church’s children’s Christmas party. Nobody told me, but it turns out that it is going to be at our house….tomorrow night. Nancy’s expectation is that I show up and help. My expectation is that I go do anything else away from the house. Barring that, hiding in my office with a 6 pack of beer, X-box and a sign on the door warning of “Avian Flu”.

Isaac has been really enjoying all of the Christmas “stuff”. He sat through the Moravian Love feast. He really liked the candles at the end. We also took him to the Greensboro Christmas parade last weekend, which totally blew away the University of Florida homecoming parade.

The Greensboro parade had bands, shriners, camels, a giant motorized shopping cart (in honor of the birth of our Lord), and big “Macy’s” style balloons. It was a pretty windy day and there were several times that I thought a sudden gust was going to cause a giant inflatable “Gumby” or “Betty Boop” to take out my family.

Before the parade on Saturday, my buddy Darryl McMullen came and took some Christmas pictures for us. Most of what you see above are his work.

Well Nancy has moved in to the office to exercise. I can’t write while her trainer “Mya” is yelling at her.

Strength and Honor

Big Matt


At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam actually does fetch me my paper. Better yet, this morning I handed him Aidan's dirty diaper and told him to throw it away for me. He's getting usefuller by the day.


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