Thursday, July 28, 2005

August Birthday (CTL 19)

Countdown to Laughter

Issue 19

For those keeping dilation score at home, we are at 2.5 cm. Nancy called me at work and told be that she was going to be induced on August 5. At first I was a little ticked off, because I thought that the doctor was speeding things up to coincide with a vacation or something. Nope turns out the doctor asked Nancy when or if she wanted to set up an appointment to be induced, and she said, “How’s Monday?” The doctor suggested waiting until the actual due date.

Some of the women at work are pissed that now there is no way they can win the birth date pool. In fact they will declare the whole pool null and void if she is induced.

Since Nancy is doing like 60% of the work, I’ll let her make the decision of when to induce. Mt only beef with it now is that is we have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. Why should I have to suffer so much?

Realizing we now had a countdown of eight days, I started to think about what an August birthday means. There won’t be any cupcakes brought into a school class. He might get to be at a summer camp during his birthday. We could have birthday parties at Wet and Wild. I can’t figure out if this means he will be older than or younger than everyone in his class. Even better, we could have his birthday at the new baseball park downtown and watch the Grasshoppers play. I wonder what the first year is that his birthday will fall on a Thirsty Thursday?

We watched Hotel Rwanda again tonight at our friend Daniel’s house. Both times I’ve watched that movie, it made me want to adopt an African child. I don’t think I have the courage or resources to do it, but I can’t shake the idea.

I heard an interesting idea on the radio this afternoon. You can’t go to a play, or raise a child, or watch a movie, or hear a song, and know for certain how it will affect you before it starts. You just have to experience it fully. I hope we are good parents, but I also know we will do many things wrong.

Every time Nancy calls me at work, or yells from the other room, I think, “Is this it?” It’s a long, slow tension.

The heat has finally broke and there are some lovely thunderstorms going on right now. Nancy won’t sleep much tonight (She didn’t last night anyway) and the thunder will probably keep me up for a while.

I’m trying to convince Nancy that walking around the beer festival on Saturday will probably help speed up the delivery time.

Big Matt


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