Thursday, July 28, 2005

Only For Now (CTL 18)

Countdown to Laughter

Issue 18

Nancy’s attitude about being induced changed slightly. She told me that if they wanted to induce her on Monday, that would be perfectly okay with her. She finished up what needed to be done at school, and is now trying to plan something every day so she’s not sitting and thinking and waiting.

I heard an interview with Carly Simon this morning on N.P.R. At one point she mentioned reading in her journal about what her favorite song was in 1958. It got me to thinking about what my favorites song was at different times in my life. Right now, my favorite song is “For Now” from Avenue Q. Avenue Q is a cross between “Rent” and “Sesame Street.” There are great songs about racism, love, sex, and finding your purpose in life, all sung by fuzzy puppets. (I’ve never seen the show, but love the music.)

The last song on the CD is about how everything in life is only for now. Savor the good stuff, because it will only be around for a while, and don’t sweat the bad stuff, because it too is only going to be around for a while. It lists all the things that are only for now like, Sex, your job, Your Hair, and George Bush.

“Each time you smile, it will only last a while. Life may be scary, but it’s only temporary.” I will try to keep this in mind in the early months.

A good friend of mine, Jason Gillete, once told me, “I don’t know if I’ll ever know my true purpose in life, but being a father, that’s gotta be pretty close.” Jason is not always that profound. He’s the same guy I shared an un-air-conditioned cabin with one summer and was treated daily to him applying a fishy smelling ointment to his groin for a bathing suit rash.

I am very much looking forward to meeting Isaac. I’ve started to dream about the delivery. My sister told me that we will have strange dreams right before the baby comes, like that we are going to give birth to an octopus or some other strange creature.

I dreamt that Nancy went into labor over my lunch break, and that I ended up getting in a lot of trouble because I didn’t get back to work until 4:00.

I need to run to the store to buy some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and some A-1 sauce.

Big Matt


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